Monday, November 27, 2006


ok, it's like almost 2am and i still can't sleep so i've decided to post. AGAIN! here's the stupid part. i haven't a clue what to say.
shucks. i really wish the SANDMAN existed. at least that way i could get the sleep i deserve. i take forever to sleep.
i don't fancy people cursing and swearing in front of me. it's a real TURN-OFF. if you must know, this behaviour, i caught from cheryl.
my brother always told me when i was younger that i should never allow people to stare me down. well abang, i've tried.. WITHOUT much success.
i'm an indian, so naturally, (i think) i love prata. but if you plan on getting me any, (just trying my luck) please note that i like FISH CURRY instead.
i'm a sucker for cheesy things. i love it and i impart them as well. lol! blogging has it's desired effect! i'm sleepy now! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 281106

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