Sunday, November 26, 2006


don't you think it's funny how life can flip 180 in like a matter of seconds? well, today, my experience just kept flippin' outta control. it can get exciting, trust me, but there are the downsides of it too. i've had better days many times before, but today just so happens to be the kind that you expect would be a really good day. you know what, i'm gonna be cynical. life is unfair.
today actually kicked off with a blast. taufik served me breakfast in bed. scrambled eggs and toast. ahaha! but then he got chased out soon after cos my mum and my sis came in to talk. actually, just my sis. my dear mum was just a poor victim. so she talked about these friends of hers. the gist of the story was that this guy bought this girl a new phone hoping she would agree to being his girlfriend. weird eh? so i thought about another one of my sister's friends who she claims is her best pal. he bought my sis a lighter. funny ain't it? gone were the days when people bought their friends normal stuff. maybe like a resistance-testing-screwdriver-lookalike thingy. ahaha! i love it mazmo!
then, there's my mum. she was the oldest and only girl of 7 kids. so, she's really tough but NOT very perceptive. i know there's no link but hey. she's really busy with her own stuff and it's in times like these that i really wish i had someone to talk to. i can't talk to my sis cos i think the only thing that flows in her brain is boys. and knowing that mazmo and rin always talk to their mums doesn't really help either. she doesn't hear me out, and it gets really heart-wrenching. she doesn't like listening to stuff she doesn't want to hear. shucks. i love my family, believe me. i get very defensive where my family comes into concern. mama, I LOVE YOU! i just wish that we could talk more. cos i really want you to be my friend too.
sobs. i feel a lump in my throat. argh! i know i can get really sensitive but well, i think that this is the time that everything starts getting to you. so just when i thought that it couldn't get any worse, i get pissed with my sis. i have long accepted the fact that i may not be as 'in' and trendy as my sis. i just wish that the world would stop crushing down on me. god, i'm only human, hence, it pains to see my sis, using my stuff without my permission and yet, she ALWAYS manages to look better than me. diyana, if you're reading this, believe me when i say you look SMASHING. but like you, i want attention too. maybe in a different way from you, but yeah, i want it.
well, move over the sad bits. aisyah, maziah and i went for a picnic today! rin cancelled at the last minute. wished she were there though. ahaha! we had fun. there was nasi lemak, cheeseburgers and lemon tea ala shots. ahaha! then, we walked by the beach and skipped stones. fine, we tried skipping stones. i recommend not doing it in front of a whole lot of people if you're not really good at it. unless if maybe you're around people who are as crazy as you are. we were waiting for.. STUFF. then stuff happened and we lapsed into this moment of awkward-ness and discomfort. well, things happen.
it's now time to be my optimistic self again and just wish that tomorrow would be a better day. i quote from one tree hill: "i'd rather feel nothing than feel bad. it's better. it's easier" whoa, it's a long entry. ahaha! so i figure, it's a good time to say i gottsta go!
ainwashere! 261106


Maziah said...

it's ok ain. you still have aisyah to talk to :) and believe me, you DO get attention, maybe not at home, but in school. you don't have to seek it.

sitinur'AINmohamedfirdous said...

thanks sexay! well, i talk to you too actually! and yeah, i love all our 'serious talks'. and yeah, true. lol! thanks babe

Yana said...

hey sis. have you ever thought why people paid so much close attention to me and not you? well okay, if you wanna have that much attention like i have, BE LIKE ME! obviously, you dont want that right? c'mon now. do you seriously wanna have all the attention in the world and just live in fantasies cause you would always think that your the popular one and that everybody likes you? please, ive suffered being me now, and i really dont want you to go throught that, cause trust me it sucks! loveya SIS! :D

Maziah said...


oh yes, I love you ain :)