Tuesday, January 23, 2007


it's been 2 weeks and my cough hasn't cured yet. it's starting to get to me. mum doesn't think it's 'just cough' anymore. ahaha! she's so adorable when she gets all worked up and worried. aye, i sound sadistic. hmm. *smiles slyly*
dad was nice. i mean, he's always nice. but he picked me up from school today. so that makes him extra nice. but seriously, how many times does he do that?! so yeah, it was like a father-daughter thing. yup, daddy's girl. we went to casuarina to eat prata (with FISH CURRY!) and then he told me that bombshell got hit in the tailgate! kapeesh! for those who don't know, (or can't infer), bombshell is my car. ok fine, dad's car. cool name eh?! don't ask me how he (it) got it.
but yeah. it's injured. some female driver stepped on the ACCELERATION pedal to BRAKE! ahaha! people tell me time and time again that women can't drive. i didn't want to believe it at first but now, i'm getting more and more convinced. they brake for no apparent reason. seriously. even i wouldn't want to drive behind me. i brake like, all the time. on go karts laa. i can't even steer for nuts. i always come in last when i play daytona. hmph! but! it's ok, i still have 2 years. then you'll see me in my FORTUNER.
i have decided today that i am a LONER after school. since i'm in the arts faculty, i have a weird timetable as opposed to the rest of the track&fielders. fyi, i'm the ONLY ONE in the arts of all the j1s. aiyo! i REALLY miss my og! i cannot wait for the 2nd orientation. and most of all, i miss my gorgeous-ses! gone were the days when all our lessons would end at the same time. sheesh! leave me be so i can wallow in my grief. ahaha! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 230107

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