Sunday, August 19, 2007


ahaha! just got back home from a day at kexin's house trying to do pw. don't have to ask much about how much we were able to do. sighs. i think it's really eating my life up. all our lives up actually. i don't know. i'd rather spend my time doing other stuff, studing for promos even. planning for events that would eventually be carried out was sooo much more fun and fruitful. at least the ideas were worked on, not just left there. *thinks of FloorPLAY* ok, anyways, i need a break from pw now, (NO! i haven't moved away from that damned subject yet.) so i decided to do this questionairre mazmo sent me a while back. lol! ENJOY!

1. were you named after anyone?
ahaha! nope! mummy said she thought about my name long before i was born and she always liked it. but then again, who doesn't right?! SITI NUR'AIN. so easy to say! ( easy to make fun of...)

2. when was the last time you cried?
thursday. eh, is crying the same as tearing?! :S

3. do you like your handwriting?
not when i can't finish essays during exams, i don't!

4. what is your favourite lunch meat?
beef! especially those in black pepper sauce! wah! just in case you're planning on TREATING me to steak for lunch *hint hint* i like my beef MEDIUM ok!

5. do you have kids?
?!?! crazy ah? it'll be fun actually, though i think my kid would suffocate cos i'd hug him so tight and never let him go.

6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you?
i guess so. i mean why not right?! like, what's life without ain anyways?! ok, ego much..

7. do you use sarcasm alot?
ahaha! i love being sarcastic, in a nice way laa. i have my days. but i hate it when people use it to tick you off. so annoying!

8. do you still have your tonsils?
they're still there! ahaha! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! *opens mouth*

9. would you bungee jump?
go and die laa! you wish man! i happen to really like staying alive, thank you very much.

10. what's your favourite cereal?
FROSTIES! ahaha! *winks at athena*

11. do you unite your shoes when you take them off?
i think so. i get in alot of trouble if i don't. sighs.. the things you get having to live with merticulous GUYS in the house.

12. do you think you are strong?
all those gym trainings since sec1 had better paid off man! *flexes* SHIT LAA!

13. what's your favourite ice-cream?
orange sherbet! especially the one from swensens!

14. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i think it's how muscular they are. or more like, how toned their bodies ah. ahaha! damn, i sound like some twisted pervert. please! i swear i'm not!

15. red or pink?
red i think. only cos i've always wanted a red shirt.

16. what's the least favourite thing about yourself?
being the best procrastinator. it's really not something i'm proud of.

17. who do you miss the most?
those that i love dearly and i hardly or can't ever see them again

18. what colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
barefoot! mummy would kill me if i wore shoes in the house! and, some berms. they're blue. (surprise surprise!)

19. what was the last thing you ate?
asam laksa! still nothing beats the ones from penang. go original people!

20. what are you listening to right now?
my bro singing in the bathroom. ahaha! i can't make out what he's saying. sighs. heavy metal.

21. if you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
easy! blue! not the darker shades though. those are just plain emo.

22. favourite smells?
babies! ok, not when they're doing their business laa, but you get the picture.

23. who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
jodie and kexin. damn pw!

24. do you like the person who sent this to you?
?!?! what kind of a question was that?! who doesn't love mazmo when they know her?!

25. favourite sports to watch?
soccer. athletics definitely. i don't know. i'd be open to anything, besides golf!

26. hair colour?
black. how dull. do you know you get caught in rj if you've got gyed hair?!

27. eye colour?
everyone's looks a little brown when the sun shine's in them. ok, desperate attempts to make in seem un-black.

28. do you wear contacts?
since sec2!

29. favourite food?
sheesh! i eat anything! that's halal of course.

30. scary movie or happy endings?
happy endings. they always melt your heart.

31. last movie you watched?
THE PATRIOT! on star movies! it's damn good! plus you get to oggle at heath ledger!

32. what colour shirt are you wearing?
black. wahhh! emo!

33. summer or winter?
winter definitely! always wanted to make SNOW ANGELS! aiyo, singapore's like summer everyday laa

34. hugs or kisses?
kisses are HARAM! cannot! ahaha! but hugs are nicer anyways. they're warmer!

35. favourite dessert?
cheng tng! go try the one at geylang market!

36. most likely to respond?
mummy. when she's not sleeping laa. when she does, "not even 10 foghorns can wake [her]!"

37. least likely to respond?
hmm.. that's a tough one. i don't know. the indian uncle at s11 bishan. i think he hates me. if only he knew i was indian too..

38. what book are you reading?
pride & prejudice! DARCY'S HOTT!

39. what is on your mouse pad?
?!?! my mouse laa!

40. what did you watch on tv last night?
i didn't watch anything! i was out the whole day!

41. favourite sound?
jared singing the national anthem. i swear you can NEVER find another rock version of majulah singapura! ahaha!

42. rolling stones oe beatles?
why isn't NSYNC a choice! so unfair!

43. what's the furthest you've ever been from home?
thailand. track&field training camp. lol! ahh, memories!

44. do you have a special talent?
i think so. if i talk too much, i irritate myself!

45. where were you born?
kadang kerbau hospital. 13 hours after aisyah! HOW COOL!!

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