Saturday, November 25, 2006


i've seriously given up hope of trying to change my template. this new beta thing on blogspot is a little more complicated than you think. so, i shall just stick to this and make it look smashing. i'll try, really, REALLY hard. designing isn't exactly my cup of tea.
well, i just got back from soccer carnival. it's for police officers only though. so yeah, there were a WHOLE LOT of hot guys. i mean, why wouldn't there be right? i'm always under the impression that most guys who are relatively good at soccer, are in fact cute. what's best is that almost all of them were my dad's trainees. ahaha! the benefits of having my dad around. that's only one side of it though. the other side includes my sister. being taller than i am and more hip, she never fails to steal the limelight, leaving poor old big sis as un-famous as mc hammer. (never heard of him? well, it's kinda like the point) but it's ok. ahaha! I LOVE YOU SIS!
anywho's, what's important is that i met nadia natasha again! ahaha! my family looked after her when she was 1, and again when she was 2. and now she's 4. but she still remembers us all the same! and mind you, for a four year old, she's way beyond adorable. she's actually quite pretty! and man, she clung to my sis and i just like she always did. and when i had to leave earlier, she told me not to go. shucks, it felt comforting and horrible all at the same time.
so then, i got a lil' emo. started reflecting. that's when i thought of RIN, AISYAH AND MAZMO! guys, if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU all so much! bleagh. depressing ain't it. parting from your friends i mean. we still have about a month and i already feel like we're running outta time. people say that your best friends come from primary school but 'people' are wrong. i guess they only say that cos you've been with them longer. but like mazmo says, time is immaterial.
lol! this is really random but i really miss 443 and 'meringue'. go figure it out yourself if you really must know. ahaha! but all's cool. i already have taufik anyways. well, mr jones and i are gonna go tend to my bro. the poor fellow's down with a cold. aight people. gottsta go!
ainwashere! 251106


perceptionsofparadise said...

hey! why aint my name up there! dont u love me ain? :( lol anyways i just dropped by to say I love u despite all of the.... hahahah :) see ya! and oh link me!

Maziah said...

Wah, someone quoted moi eh? LOL, hey REX! We meet again. Ain, I'm quite amped up for your husband's party! AND, i changed my LJ layout so check THAT out ;) it has the SEXY on it. Ok, I'll see you soon babe, I love you and take care.