Wednesday, November 22, 2006


ok, it's my first entry and i know that the template's and layout's not quite up to standard yet, but who gives right?!
i'm really high today! big duh! (ahaha! got that outta book i was reading) 2 reasons really. 1) prom was yesterday 2) there's prison break today! i can already picture maziah jumping around somewhere.
prom was a BLAST i tell you! ok fine, a couple of bumps here and there. real spoilers these people! seriously! uugh! i won't say nothin', but those who know, well then, they know how low i felt. well, in the end, i didn't get as even as i wanted to with that person but never mind. i'm quite sure she heard me loud and clear. let her wallow in her own conscience.
forget her. with the exclusion of her, grad night was PUMPIN' man! we (mazmo, aisyah, adi and i) did our hair and make-up at aisyah's house. another opportunity to look at sulaiman. sorry aisyah, but he IS cute. i don't know bout the rest of you but i put on loads of make-up, courtesy of the one and only aisyah. ahaha! i'm not regretting it. it's not everyday i go out looking glam ok.
ahaha! and then there's my class. they rock the crap outta me man! i love them all to bits! cheryl rocked the stage, mazmo and aisyah owned it, and i had the walk and the talk. ok i'm kidding. just wanted something that rhymed. ahaha! so i lost Ms Cedar by one point. i won't lie, i AM sad but i'll get over it. at least i wouldn't be pained by having to give back that sash. but all's well. i got to take a glam shot with three people i love the most anyways.
then we party-ed the night away. ok, just until 10.15. but cedarians are a wild bunch i tell you! look at them dance and you'll know what i mean. honestly, it's quite intimidating. i ain't saying i have two left feet but hey, it was scary. then the highlight of the night! ms nair brought us to the staffroom, through the staircase in the office! woohoo! the things we did in there! let it just be a secret between the few of us. ahaha! i've decided, if my first choice career doesn't work out, i'm gonna be a pe teacher and try to get a table next to.. hey, a girl can dream can't she.
ok, the alarm clock is ringing, which means i gotta go get ready to go out. again. i'm really exhausted. i wanna sleep till like 3 tomorrow but i can't. oh wells. so many things to do, so little time.
ps: those who cheered after my little speech, thanks a lot! i felt much better after that.
ainwashere! 231106


Maziah said...


BTKTBeat said...

YAY to your bravery! =P
i bet she heared you loud and clear and i hope she felt embarrassed.
arrogant snob ass faced woman.
