Friday, December 1, 2006


read the papers today? yes, no, maybe? ahaha! never mind. it's no biggie anyways. well to me of course, except that they spelt my name wrongly.
anywho's, taufik was quite excited, it being my debut and all. ahaha! he woke up at 5 and waited for the delivery dude. he beat my mum to it actually. mum was sad 'cos she wanted to be the first. then he ran to my.. no, OUR room and slammed it on me. but being me, acknowledging the fact that nothing beats beauty sleep, i didn't read it until like 10.
well, one ought to be excited bout this stuff right? WRONG! or me at least. i don't know. weird really. for the first time since the end of o's i was actually tired during the day. yep, the DAY. i spent the whole of last night talking to aisyah. we tried to break the record but i zonked out after an hour and a half. sorry dear. yeah well, so taufik made me teh tarik and pancakes as a breakfast celebration. but lethargy got the better of me. i ate 2 pieces, drank the tea (you can't forgo the tea), read the article and went straight back to sleep.
you know what? taufik and i have unanimously decided today that the relationship that mazmo and mr miller share makes us really ENVIOUS. maziah, how is it that you can actually just observe him? girl, you good! ahaha! this is sad honestly. sometimes i don't feel like i love taufik enough. i know he turns green everytime i stare into the computer swooning over nsync, or jc, to be more precise. i feel bad. i've been a naughty girl.. oh god, this sounds sick.
ahaha! moving on. my mum tells me i can get really harsh on people at times. i just think it's because i can get very judgemental. i'm sensitive and petty, to begin with, but i don't want to think that i can't handle serious stuff. mazmo thinks that asiyah's maturing. well yeah, it's true. kind of. i was thinking the other day and i finally concluded that everyone is. well most maturing at a faster rate than i am. people are fast becoming what they really want to be, who they really are. it shows. INDIVIDUALISM. yeah, and they stick to it, which is rather inspiring. many experiences have taught me that.
i'm in a rather reflective mood. but i like it. it's self-fulfilling. so, leave me be. in other words, i gottsta go!
ainwashere! 021206


Maziah said...

Oh, it's our hobby really. Observing each other *nods*

Maziah said...