Sunday, February 25, 2007


the past week has been rather hectic. it's weird though. the week was only supposed to be 3 days long but i kinda like 'pancit-ed' on friday. whoa! i went back to cedar but i was too tired to train so i kinda just watched the juniors train instead. ahaha! the sec 1s are cute laa! especially when they do their drills. but it kinda got me wondering if i looked that 'cute' (retarded) doing drills back then. ahaha! i remember how mr seem would always tell me to go cut my hair cos it'll always swing from side to side, occassionally whacking my partner's face. lol!
training on saturday wasn't too taxing, which was really a good thing cos i think i would have just died if it were any more intensive. it would have been a perfect training if i hadn't whacked mysel on the head with a 30kg bar. ouch! ahaha! it was rather funny actually. kapeesh! oh wells, what can i say, shit happens..
so today, we started project pelita again! back to teaching kids again, except that i'm getting p5 kids this year. i ought to be happy cos they're definitely more teach-able as compared to p1 kids, but i've got the most notorious of the lot! they're like devils i tell you, except with really adorable faces. but yeah, this means, i've got extra stuff to do from now on. lol! *sighs* the stuff i get myself into.
you know, i really feel like religious classes this year are gonna be a total waste of my time. honestly! my teacher finds humour in calling me "monitor" just because i wear a different uniform from the rest. and when i laugh, he thinks i'm shivering and asks one of my classmates to hug me. (thinking it's funny) and when i ask him if we can turn off the air-con, he comes up with some story to why i'm sooo thin and i've got no fats to protect me from the cold.
i should really change my studying habits. at the rate i'm going, i'd probably flunk promos. shoots laa! i think my fatigue is being brought over. not good! we have this major time trial tomorrow to see if we get selected for the relay team. god knows how much i wanna do realy! gah! maybe an early sleep might help! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 250207

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