Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i don't know why, but i think eating $6 worth of kfc is much more satisfying than eating $4 worth of long john silvers. plus, i kinda think it's healthier too. gah! i was doing this research on kfc, (no! i wasn't bored. it was for a geog assignment) and they said that the chicken is served in paper buckets to absorb the oil. so, if you really have nothing to do, go see how effective it is, then tell me ok! cos i don't really think it works that well.
ok, so much for random-ness. ahaha! woot! i trained again today! (cue to clap) funny story. i was supposed to train in cedar actually. but oh wells, ain has her days, when she tends to get really blur and moronic. she thought that the course for cip reps was today. so she waited outside the multi-purpose room for like 10 mins but NOBODY came. so she took out the slip of paper that ms prakash gave her and read through it again. (thinking that she was at the wrong place) but NOOOOOOOOO! it was supposed to be on the 21st of MARCH! STEW-PIDD! well, at least i still trained in the end. lol!
ok, you know what, i'm sorta ZONING out already. my brain's rather empty. for those who are thinking it, no, it's not empty ALL the time. i happen to pay attention duirng lectures ok! but i rarely get anything out of them. kapeesh! okok, maybe i should spend this time going through lecture notes. yeah right! i'll just go read my lit books and fall asleep before mum makes me do any more chores. ahaha! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 210207

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