Friday, February 16, 2007


we had raffles take 5 today. omg, i was suuuper drained after that man! ahaha! but now i'm convinced i'd make splendid recorder. hey, it doesn't hurt to have a back up career ok! *shrugs* i ate sooooo much junk food today. i don't know if i should feel guilty. but i'm thinking that since i don't have training for another week or so, i should. oh wells. there was ice cream and macs first. then we went over to nicole's house, and there was bubble tea and instant noodles.
technically, i'm supposed to train tomorrow. but here's what happened: i came back home and realized that the door to my room was CLOSED and LOCKED! and i still can't find the KEY! aiyo, it doesn't help that i have an INEFFICIENT laundry system at home. i think i'm running out of clothes to change into. MUST FIND KEY!
now i'm sad. i'm missing my gorgeous-es HORRIBLY! i sound like some psycho stalker, but i can't help it. i miss rin. i miss aisyah. i miss mazmo. kapeesh! let me remind myself of the better days. *sighs*

at taufik's birthday party '06! we had so much fun getting costumes!

at taufik's birthday party '05! damn, we had a blast!
aiyo! i've realised i don't have enough pictures with my gorgeous-es! NOT GOOD! must take more. maybe i should save up and go get my own camera. lol! i never knew it was gonna be this hard being in different schools. come to think about it, we are ALL in different schools. one's in bedok, one's in pasir ris, one's in bishan, and the other might end up in potong pasir.
gah! i miss them ALWAYS being around me. i miss sitting next to aisyah. i miss having mazmo as my diagonal partner. i miss hugging rin in the mornings. i miss having recess with them. (not like we have 'recess' now) i miss sitting at the same table for malay classes and always having cikgu constantly remind us to pay attention. i miss slacking at pp macs. i miss getting meringue and custard puffs. i miss playing at the playgrounds. i miss going to the beach. i miss going out together! i miss crapping for hours on the phone! i just miss them extremely!
i think cedar was definitely the best four years of my life. don't get me wrong. the people at rj are suuuuper nice too! but you know, my gorgeous-es, they were something else. i think it's horrible that fate has made distance an obstacle. WAH! EMO-ING! i think it sucks that some people in rj are so misunderstood. well, this has been a long enough entry. gottsta go!
ainwashere! 170207

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