Sunday, February 11, 2007


i keep trying to post but the lousy administrator keeps saying some error occured! 3 TIMES already you know! STEW-PIDD!
ahaha! i think the light in my bathroom is capable of throwing it's fair share of tantrums really. there are days when it works perfectly fine. then, there are the days doesn't when it CHOOSES not to. sighs. and today, it chose not to. so ain had to shower in the dark at around 9pm. and anyone who knows me relatively well would know of my EXTREME fear of the dark. all i had was a measly ray from that TINY torchlight i found on the table. oh wells, better that then no light at all. who knows what would've happened?
i don't know how to feel about my results honestly. i'm not happy, but i'm not sad either. and i don't think i feel numb towards it. aiyo, complicated stuff laa.
hence, i shall think of stuff that makes me happy! like trainings! woot! my shin doesn't hurt anymore. YAYNESS! ahaha! anywho's, if there's one thing i love breaking during trainings, it's personal bests and if there's one pb i love breaking, it's squats. i finally hit 70! not bad eh.. *grins suuuuper widely* saturday's training was bad. (besides the fact that i've got a NEW PB of course) the sun was blazing man. but noooooooooooo. that's not the worst of it. not even CLOSE! i hurt my dear NANNY on saturday. the medicine ball smashed right into her head, hitting her hairband, causing her to bleed. *shrugs* i still feel extremely lousy.. SORRY NANNY!
i think i've got a bruise on my hip today. ahaha! funny story. i was standing in the bus, looking at pictures in my phone (yes, i was THAT bored) when the bus braked and i seriously just crashed into the metal bar. ouch! i actually think that some of the passengers were laughing at me. maybe i gave a horrible expression.
gah! this is bad! i shouldn't be procrastinating! okok, i'll be a good girl and go finish up my geog assignment! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 110207

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