Saturday, February 3, 2007


just got home from dinner with my gorgeous-es! ahaha! woot! we had sooooo much FUN! i finally got to eat laksa. it's been horribly long. so, we chilled at the coffee shop till our butts sored, then wandered around trying to find a place where we could just sit and talk. but nooooo! bugis doesn't have nice seats for people. ahaha! in the end, we got a space in macs. (go try their wedges! they're REALLY good) you know how time flies when you're having fun?! it's ALWAYS the case. it's annoying! so much for having all the time in the world. so yeah, we said our goodbyes and went back home. WAH! crap laa! heart pain man! it's frustrating to know that i can't see them as often as i used to. sexay-s, i miss you guys already!
kapeesh! my shin hurts from training. it's really STEW-PIDD! terrible timing. i just felt like i was gaining momentum from all the trainings. (and pe as well) but yeah. the rest seem to think it's a shin splint, but i really have no idea cos i've never had those before. *shrugs* never mind. i'll just go RICE. (see, i paid attention during sports talk ok!)
i've realised a downside of having the whole cohort from ri and rg come over. no, it's not the whole cliques thing. it's that, i can't make MY OWN judgements about people. my views are always so restricted cos' everyone claims that they know everyone else longer, making their opinions more relevant. it's dumb really. what i want to believe always seem to oppose what has already been stereotyped. but that's just the thing, it's a STEREOTYPE. sheesh!
i went for the singapore-thailand match the other day! singaporeans are horrible i tell you! it's bad enough that we're already EXTENSIVELY vulgar, we have really bad sportsmanship too. tsk tsk tsk. it's a sad state. but oh wells, i loved the company!
no matter how many time roy (or anyone for that matter) says it, i'm not a m***** (study-er) *shrugs* ahaha! i'd seriously win an award for the 'BEST PROCRASTINATOR' if there was one. but it isn't something i'm proud of. noooo, i'm still rather sane. so therefore, i shall be a good girl and finish up my assignments. gottsta go!
ainwashere! 030207

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