Monday, March 12, 2007


monday: wah, time trials were horrible! in the end, i didn't make the relay team. oh wells, shit happens. but looking on the bright side, (as said by dear mr seem) i get to concentrate on long and triple instead. ahaha! there always IS a bright side.

tuesday: heh. i guess the ONLY major thing that day was econs lecture test. damn man! i totally missed out the 7-mark question. you know how everyone keep telling you to manage your time well cos there's this 10-mark question right at the end. well yeah, i got so excited about doing THAT question that i totally missed out the one before that. kappesh! oh wells, shit happens.

wednesday: funny day. we were supposed to celebrate augustine's birthday after school, but mr seem messaged me during geog lecture asking me to go back to cedar to train. ahaha! it kinda ruined my plans, but oh wells, i got to JUMP! yay! finally! it's been forever! but then again, shit happens. my spike nails cut my leg. wah, i did some 'matrix-skateboarding' jump ah! lol! but the biggest rip-off was having to spend $10 on taxi fare. STEW-PIDD!

thursday: 2ND ORIENTATION! woot! apparently, not a lot of people liked it cos it was boring. but who gives?! we took sooooooooo many retarded pics, so it didn't really matter. and yeah, we've got a new girl! heh. i guess it would have been more entertaining if the ENTIRE og went. a couple of people were missing. sobs. but oh wells, shit happens. training only resulted in painful shins honestly. mr seem's in thailand so we didn't exactly have people to emphatize with us. OUCH!

friday: last day of the term! so, ain being the nice girl that she ALWAYS is, waited for the sprinters. ahaha! we had dinner at fork & spoon. damn, we had fun! but waiting for the sprinters was seriously painful and boring ah! oh wells, shit happens.

saturday: training was cancelled but still had to go bak to school for captains' ball. and that was intensive exercise enough man! but, (as you've already guessed) shit happens. i got whacked in the head by some guy's elbow, so yeah, i've got a bruise there. ahaha! but hey, ain is STRONG! then there was eugene's concert to attend at night. omg! eugene, i'll NEVER forget the way you hit that gong! ahaha!

sunday: ahaha! i got a prize! for getting 1st in religious class last year! *claps hand* funny! it was probably the only day of the week where shit DIDN'T happen. phew!

i realized, i don't really like using the computer that much. but everytime i use it, i get accused o using it too often. especially by my dad, which is really dumb cos he's only home on weekends. kapeesh! oh wells, like i said, shit happens.. heh! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 110307

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