Monday, March 12, 2007


i think my dad's a schizo honestly. its weird and scary and funny all at the same time. he can get really pissed for a while, then suddenly be all happy and cheerful a while later. and i really mean a SHORT while. a second ago, he just told me to smash my sister's mp3 player cos she's taking forever to call the company to send it for fixing. and now, he's being his nice self again, watching the tv, without a care in the world. ahaha! in fact, he just asked me for a hug. funny!
anywho's, j1 trackers went to seoul garden for luch today! ahaha! it was DAMN FUN! like seriously! woot! gah! i love them all! i wish we'd taken pictures, so i can like post them, but nooooooooooooooo! nobody thought about it. oh wells, shit happens.
you know what, i'm starting to really like the phrase. ahaha! ok, random. i think going into rj has like made me lose some humour. cos i really can't think of anything lame to post right now. either that or most of my blood is still in my stomach, digesting that HUGE meal i had just now. nothing's left in my head. well, not much at least. but that bruise from captain's ball is STILL there. shoots!
anywho's to those that kinda comforted me today, A HUGE THANKS! to nanny, amelia, bernard, kelvin and andrea. whoa! that's a lot of people. but yeah. you guys rock! hearts! ok, enough emotion, i must do homework. *rolls eyes* gottsta go!
ainwashere! 120307

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