Monday, April 2, 2007


it's been donkey years since i last updated yet i can't think of much to update you about. life's been pretty much the same. as in, my days rarely differ. it's wake up, shower, meet nanny at the interchange, go over to 'the gangs' table, walk past the track&field table, go over to the og, walk with athena to parade square, struggle to staying awake during lessons, EAT, (what would life be without food) slack a little after school, go for training, go home, eat dinner, shower, complete homework, occasionally (or so NOW it seems) update, and ultimately, SLEEP! gone were the days when i would call aisyah every night and just talk.
looking for someone to talk to is becoming a chore. back then, though we met every single day, i would call the gorgeous-es every night. now, that we barely see each other anymore, i can hardly find time to call them. *shrugs* i miss them.
but anywho's, moving away from the emo atmosphere, i'll say that saturday was damn happening laa! ahaha! mr seem cancelled training but a couple of us decided to go for training with wang kan's mum. *smiles* hey, it's not everyday you get to train with cool people ok! erm, not suggesting that mr seem is uncool or anything, but yeah, you get the point.
so yeah, i had no idea (or more like i forgot) how to get to bishan stadium, so eng wei told me to meet him and sheng in school. the stupid thing is the lousy ri gate isn't opened on saturdays, so i had to walk a BIG round just to get to school. and just when i reached the amphi, eng called and told me to meet them at the interchange instead cos we were running late. so poor ain had to walk ALL THE WAY BACK to the interchange. so as i was passing S11, i met them, and they said they left their spikes in school. so yes! ain had to go ALL THE WAY BACK to school. we reached school only to find out that all the gates were locked, so we resorted to climbing it instead. (woot! it was ACTUALLY damn fun!) yeah, then we had to help these 3 girls climb i too, but the one that i was supposed to be helping fell on her knees! ouch! oh wells, shit happens.. so FINALLY, they got their spikes and as we were just about to leave school, it started to POUR! like what the *toot*! kappesh! in the end, we decided to just cab there, and we hopped into this can with the FUNKIEST taxi driver in the face of the universe! we were soooooo happy that we took a picture with him! ahaha! he rocked laa! but never mind that. we reached the stadium and we panicked for a lil while cos we couldn't find them. but alls well cos they were all downstairs. yepp! so the rain stopped and we started on our warm-up! and guess what?! while we were stretching, some random uncle went like "OK! stadium closed! please leave." *rolls eyes* so poor ain, and everyone else of course, had to walk ALL THE WAY BACK to school to resume training. ahaha!
well that was an experience.. national juniors' around the corner and i feel good. but it's starting to dawn on me that i just might be peaking to early. like seriously, nationals is around 3 months away. but let's just pray *crosses fingers* woot! i've got 2 birthday parties coming up during the weekend and a date with the gorgeous-es. just maybe, this week might not be as bad as the previous one. okok, i'm drained. shall go get some sleep.. gottsta go!
ainwashere! 020407

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