Thursday, March 15, 2007


now, today, i'm high! we jumped today! YAY! you know, there's a couple of differences between the pits in cedar and in rj. hmm..
1. their sand is SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH softer. and whiter actually.
2. the sand pit's longer. maybe it's cos there's guys there.. KAPEESH!
3. there's ACTUALLY a long jump take-off board.
mr seem really makes me proud! hey coach! congrats! :D
ok, i must say that training with guys now, is a REALLY different thing. sometimes they inspire you, sometimes, they demoralize. *sighs* but oh wells, putting things into perspective, they're guys anyways. they ARE supposed to be better than us. (or so said by ms see tho) hah!
i have a baking contest with roy in like 2 weeks time. *shrugs* ahaha! i'm pretty confident i'll win! but with what, i have no idea! so if anyone's got any ideas, do tell..
my bro still hasn't got me new shoes. starting to wonder if he'll ever get me new ones.. but oh wells, the family's getting so caught up in other stuff, so it's ok.. I FORGIVE YOU! now, ain't i a nice sister?! *grins widely* come to think about it, abang, you owe me A LOT of stuff! since we were kids actually! all those packets of potato chips (not that i would want any now) that you promised to buy me so that i wouldn't tell mama when your teacher told me you didn't finish your homework. tsk tsk tsk. and all those dinners you promised to take me to when you get your salary. *sighs*
but on the bright side, at least he pays for everything when we DO go out. ahah! damn. the washing machine's beeping! that's my cue! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 150307

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