Tuesday, November 28, 2006


"the urge had been upon me for some days past to take myself in hand." sound familiar? ahaha! it's ok if it doesn't. that's if you're not taking lit i mean. but oh wells, who plans on remembering these stuff now anyways? shucks! i've just come to terms with the horrendous state that my room is in now. it looks like a dump, with the exception that the things in my rooms are NOT to be thrown away. despite being fully aware of this, i spent my whole morning cleaning the rest of the entire house instead. and i really mean ENTIRE. for some reason, the sight of my room just disgusts me and, the longer it's left that way, the more it freaks me out. hence, the motivation to clean it up kinda lessens. maybe reverse psychology would work on me. well, i've resorted to keeping the door to my room closed throughout the day (and night) and i now bunk in with my mum.
in my family, girls aren't exactly who they're 'supposed' to be. i mean, my bro and dad are the spick-and-span people around here. i don't do my bed until my bro screams, telling me to do so at like 9 IN THE MORNING! (it's amazing what the army does to you) and my dad! ahaha! my dad is the ultimate neat freak. and freak has its share of importance really. my dad does weird things. weird, neat things. ahaha! we were at IMM today and aba and i went into giant a lil' later cos i took a longer time to eat at ljs. so mama and diyana went first, making my dad a hostage to my never-rushing-when-i-eat ways. lol! when we finally caught up with them, they were a quarter-way through shopping and the trolley was about half-full. dig this.. the stuff in the trolley were all over the place, so aba proceeded to finding a quiet corner and went on to rearranging EVERYTHING there was inside. ahaha! he came back in about 5 mins with everything neatly sorted out. the tidbits, the drinks, the toiletries. thereafter, he was in charge of the trolley. and no, i'm not embarrassed of this behaviour. it's amusing! and it has advantages. go try it in your free time.
oh, i took a picture with ronald today! it's been such a long time my dear friend. the last time i took a picture with him was during nationals at lot1. in fact, that was the last time i met him. he's like decades older then i am but i still adore him. and man, he hasn't aged a single bit. not another wrinkle. not even a strand of grey hair growing between his thick-red-afro-lookalike hair. get the picture? for those who don't, it's okay. no, ronald isn't some bizarre african-american. im referring to ronald MACDONALDS! lol! yeah, i was an oblivious kid today. poeple laughed and stared. "a freak!" they might add, but who gives right?
kapeesh! today marks a week of sleeping after 12. however, i shall listen to good old mr seem and follow his instructions of going for a jog in the morning, (and one in the evening) which is currently less than 5 hours away. so this is where i say, i gottsta go!
ainwashere! 291106


AiSy's woRld said...

Hey AIN!! ahhaa.. im so kan-chiong coz im posting u a comment!! LMAO. Anyways, how was ur day at queensway? i hope u had a fun time SHOPPING lol. Ain, i wanna chill with u and the rest of the sexay ladies. oh btw, dont forget to call me tonight!! LMAO.. must break the record yeah? Heehee..

Maziah said...

i read your article... good stuff :)