Tuesday, December 5, 2006


i was afraid that this would happen and it finally did. boredom has got the better of me and it has reduced me to a state, such that i actually miss school. kapeesh! i didn't mean that. i happen to fall into the category of people who actually like school. well, 1)cos my best buds are there. 2)staying away from the jumpers for too long makes me, sad, to say the least. 3)cedar has really nice teachers. *winks*
i watched animal planet today. (no, i didn't watch it because there was nothing else to watch) anyways, i had NO IDEA that real lions are NOTHING like the lions i've seen in 'lion king'. yes, i'm a big fan of 'lion king' and i grew up thinking that lions aren't half as bad as how people usually described them to be. well, i stand corrected. the males lions are horrible i tell you *rambles on* ahaha! ok, i won't bore anyone with my lion talk.
recently, i've been thinking that it would be fun to get enrolled into a ghetto school. and by fun, i don't mean getting pushed around, sitting at the losers' table and being the only freak that cannot rap. nah, it just sounds enticing, don't it. anywho's, i figure it'd be nice, speaking that slang of theirs.
it's like 10 hours to training and i can't wait! it's been like, forever! ok fine, 2 weeks. but who gives? shucks, i'd better go sleep! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 051206

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