Wednesday, December 6, 2006


woohoo! today, i went to the beach with aisyah and rin! ahaha! finally. but like people say, you can't have the best of both worlds. mazmo's overseas, so she couldn't come. shucks. it seems that as the days go by, it gets more difficult to make plans.
we were SUPPOSED to meet at kallang at 9.30. knowing me.. well you know me. i was 10 minutes late. but i strongly believe that everything happens for a reason see. and i have analyzed that we were late, so that we couldn't take any earlier busses, so that we would bump into JULIAN HEE at macdonalds! good reason ain't it?! ahaha! crap man! he's hot. but it's ok. i already have an irresistable man at home. *winks at taufik*
so, while eating breakfast at one of the benches, we introduced rin to our game of 'shots'. well it was green tea this time round. man, after that time with maziah and aisyah, i must say i have improved. TREMENDOUSLY in fact. ahaha!
we spent time just stoning on the breakwaters, (water-breakers eh? lol!) berjiwang-ing, singing our hearts out and just talking. well that was before rin decided to play with the water. i didn't bring a spare change of clothes, but nooooo! that didn't stop them from getting me WET! and no aisyah, i'm not angry. lol!
we built sandcastles! ok fine. THEY built sandcastles. but hey, i have to be credited too! i made the tail for the turtle and i helped with the musical note. well yeah. Apparently, fun can't last forever cos rin had to go. work. so aisyah and i went window-shopping at parkway. ahaha! i think, window-shopping is really the best kind of shopping there is. look on the bright side, you can try on clothes and see how you look in them, and you don't spend a single cent. *glees with pride*
ahaha! food at banquet is starting to taste really blend. well maybe except their deserts. we shared a bowl of tao suan and aisyah just happens to think that we looked really cute sharing that one bowl. ahaha!
you know what, it's really times like these that i feel i have enough friends to last me more than a million lifetimes. i ain't saying i don't want new ones ok. my point is, i'm REALLY gonna miss them. only god knows how much. *sobs* gottsta go.
ainwashere! 061206

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