Friday, December 8, 2006


considering my previous entry, i must say i'm really ecstatic cos i've made new friends. probably now, i stand a better chance at surviving jc. *shrugs* plus, i'm really excited cos i get to start my trainings with rj tomorrow! ahaha! mr seem FINALLY thinks i'm ready. good for me? well we'll just have to wait and see.
speaking of trainings, tomorrow's would make it 3 trainings in a row. if i didn't love track and field so much, you would probably see me in the obituary section of the papers tomorrow. for the past 2 trainings, coach has made me work in the gym. piling me with weights the jumpers don't usually do till it's like on season or something. it was the same workout for both days, except that today's weights were much heavier. i mean, DUH! so, it's left me with aching calves and a really sore butt. anywho's, i have analysed something. when mr seem tells the throwers to go for a slow jog, they really go SLOW. 3 rounds around school and i came in in 14 minutes as one of the first few people. the jumpers on the other hand seem to be, unfortunately, 'instruction-ally' impaired. to them, everything's a time trial. for the same 3 rounds, i came in last at about 12 and a half minutes. BIG DIFFERENCE!
i've been hanging out with my sis a lot lately and she's a really weird person i tell you. to think i've lived with her for 14 years and still never fully understanding the things she does. and mind you, weird things happen when i'm with her. like when we were walking along the bus stop, telling each other jokes, the bus just suddenly stops in front of us and opens the door for us to board. yes, it's the bus we were supposed to board but no one hailed and no one alighted. it just waited there for us. i think i kinda boarded it with a really retarded, freakish grin, smacked right across my face.
and buses. oh buses. lol. not studying literature for the past weeks have made me lose touch in looking out for finer details. see aisyah and i were outside parkway waiting for a bus, and i told her i could take 853. so we waited till close to about 45 mins, before realising that 853 only passes that area on the weekends. STEW-PID! oh wells.
mazmo! could you come home soon! we're missing you back here babe! oh but don't forget the souvenirs! ahaha!
shucks, i have to meet my class in the morning, so this is where i go, i gottsta go!
ainwashere! 081206

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