Tuesday, March 13, 2007


today was fun really! went out with my gorgeous-es again! YAY! feeling much better now that i've finally seen them. but as always, either of us can't make it, and today was rin's turn. she went out with her, erm, 'ehem ehem'. ahaha! how was the movie babe?! we missed you you know!
seriously! i never realized the extent of our retard-ism till today. ahaha! we did really STEW-PIDD things man. but who gives right?! we went to the kids section in isetan and spent like 45 minutes just looking through toys. we were so engrossed and oblivious in being kids again that it took us a while to realize that a couple of guys were laughing at us. PAISEH! wah, kids nowadays have like a variety of things to choose from laa! anyways, i found my favourite already! *think of the barbie cash-register thinga-ma-jiggy*
but all this came after looking through shoes and bags for like another 45 minutes. ahaha! mazmo and aisyah practically picked up every other shoe and went "OMG! this is SO NICE!" lol! we never really went shoe shopping before, so boy, was this an experience! they were so cute! they randomly picked out nice (pink-coloured) shoes and just tried them on. gah! i would too but shoes on display don't come in MY SIZE! hah!
i honestly think that if i had money like paris hilton, i'd be two things.
1. a horrible-good-for-nothing materialistic brat
2. FAT
ahaha! NO JOKE! but, since I'M NOT, i must say i'm really proud of my budget-shopping skills and my strong will against buying more food than i can actually stomach. hah.
i really miss my gorgeous-es. it's barely been 2 hours but i wanna see them again. oh whatever! in bernard's words, "deal with it." you know, i can't believe i'm saying this, but i'm ACTUALLY gonna start on holiday homework now. (oxymoron, no?) so much to do, so little time.. ahaha! gottsta go!
ainwashere! 130307

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