Tuesday, July 10, 2007


i was reading ian's blog and i realized i spaced out on the best birthday party i've ever had in my life. the only one actually, though it was like more than a month AFTER my birthday. ahaha! oh wells!
THE RAMONES had dinner at fish&co, and i was so convinced we were only gonna celebrate ian's birthday, but noooooo! ahaha! we celebrated mine too! YAY! it was quite cool really! like, cake and all, and ian had to spoil my already bad hair by making me wear that hat. there were like loads of gifts, and i finally got my BLUE water bottle! thanks guys! yeah! i never knew that aaron could get soooo excited over taking photos! CAMWHORE! lol! we took soooo many shots that athena's taking FOREVER to send to me..
damn! i love the ramones! athena-nicole-aaron-farish-jiayuan-ian-pathy. you guys make studying soooo fun and painless! and i'm soooooo looking forwad to FLOORPLAY! yay! it's gonna rock man! with them around, school now seems fine and all. plus like the trackers and A03C and jon.jared.bruno and like everyone else. but i still miss my GORGEOUSES!
rin+mazmo+aisyah. hey sexays! I MISS YOU GUYS! i know it's hard for us to meet up and all cos of school and all. just want you guys to know I LOVE YOU! we'll find time yeah! wakakaka! mazmo, don't worry about cts ok?! rin, i still have to meet you to get syafiq's cloak! and aisyah, don't stone so much aight, and take more vitamins. you keep getting sick! when you're lonely, think of your dear old 'mrs batisah' ok?! *winks* (ok, i can't!) HEARTS!
ainwashere! 100707

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