Friday, August 10, 2007


went to watch fireworks with philbert today. ahaha! we had so much fun! athena was supposed to come but she had other plans. ok, note to self: the next time i go out to watch stuff, i'm sticking to my sneakers. my feet were on the verge of dying just now. come to think of it, i was standing for at least 4 hours. lol! anyways, I DIDN'T CLOSE MY EARS during the display! hah! i'm so proud of myself!

you know, ever since i was 5, i've gone for ndp every single year. be it the preview or the actualy day, i'd be there anticipating the moment the police guard-of-honour contingent marches out into the stadium. then i'd watch them with so much enthusiasm and i'd be so critical about their marching like it was some innate characteristic. i remember how daddy would always call me after the parade to ask how their marching was, and i'd lways tell him that it was perfect, not because i just wanted to make him happy, but because it did look flawless.

sighs. and the only year that i couldn't go for had to be this year's - daddy's last. it would have been nice, sitting in a new place, watching daddy do his thing one last time. ahaha! last year was probably the only year that i went without my family. i went with the gorgeouses instead. i remember how much fun we had, dancing to the music and all! lol! it was so cool watching dad on tv! you're like "omg! that's my dad!" ahaha!

both my parents are gonna retire next year. no more attending marching rehearsals. no more attending police functions, those that i've been accustomed to attending since young. no more having random people come up to mum and dad and say hi or salute them or something. (at least no more celebs amongst them at least.) well, we did have a couple of unforgettable ones. taufik batisah, fadly awaluddin, hady mirza, ferhad. (ahaha! malays!) ahaha! i can just hear my sis wail over the fact that she wouldn't be able to meet anymore 'hot' ns men.

growing up as a kid to police parents did have its benefits i think. i mean, apart from the fact that i've grown up to be a law-abiding citizen, (or so i thought) i've learnt loads of things that not many will. my parents used to bring me to work alot when i was younger. i wish i'd paid more attention to their work then, but being a kid, i didn't really give a damn. now that i'm much older, (and sadly, busier) they don't bring me around much. when i finally have the mental capacity to be able to absorb and understand whatever it is they do, the opportunity to tag along dissipates.

i'm really gonna miss the whole police life thing. ahaha! my bro wants to be a police officer, so he'll probably carry the family name. still, i can't help worrying that he'll be overshadowed by both my parents. lol! oh wells.. ok, this is random. screw sigmund freud! i love being daddy'l not-so-little-anymore girl.! 090807

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